Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am not an Architect or Engineer, can I still work with you?

    Yes, we specialize in working with Architects and Engineers but also work with all types of people and professions.

  2. Are you a fee-only advisor? How do you get paid?

    Yes, our pricing is transparent and upfront (See our Pricing Page). We don’t sell any products or make any commissions. We provide honest advice that is always in your best interest and discuss all fees and expectations before agreeing to work together.

  3. I am not in Bozeman, can I still work with you?

    Yes, we work virtually across the country in addition to our local office in Bozeman, Montana.

  4. Do I need to have a certain amount of money to work with you?

    No, we structured the firm and our offerings to be able to work with people in all different situations.

  5. Can I cancel your on-going services or investment management?

    Yes, you can cancel at anytime if you no longer wish to receive our services.

  6. Why do I need you, can’t I just do this all myself?

    You certainly can. Are managing your finances and investments your strength? If so, great, keep doing it! If not, then it might be worth bringing in some support. Don’t neglect one of the most important areas of your life because you will get to it “tomorrow”. Leverage your finances to be the tool that allows you to live the life you always dreamed of.

  7. What can I expect to get out of working with you?

    Checkout our Case Studies to see what’s possible.

  8. How do I get started?

    Book a Free Pre-Design Meeting to learn more about what your path to Financial Freedom could look like.

  9. Where did the name Off the Beaten Path Financial come from?

    Glad you asked! Read our Origin Story.